Statements of Support

“Christians are called by God to show to the world what the divine image looks like — the image of a divine creator who brought the world to birth, called it good, and summoned human beings to reflect this divine care and delight through their own work in the world, animated by the gift of Christ’s Spirit. Christian Climate Action seeks to respond to that summons. In the face of impending environmental crisis, we need to encourage one another to grow more fully into the joyful responsibility we are made for.”

– The former Archbishop of Canterbury Lord Williams

“It is not enough for governments to talk green and carry on behaving in the same old ways and worse. There is a tradition among Jews, Christians, and Muslims of revealing hidden injustice and exposing the lies of the powerful. Christian Climate Action have done the world a great service by speaking out against the whitewash of government inaction on climate change. We cannot afford to glibly sleepwalk into this apocalypse.”

– Revd Dr Keith Hebden, Diocese of Southwell and Nottingham

Wendell Berry speaks of organized Christianity as a ‘respecter and comforter of profitable iniquities’. This includes war, in all its forms, which is blessed and hallowed in every Cathedral and in most parish churches, and support for an economic system which threatens to make human life on earth impossible. Both in contradiction of every single line of the Messianic Writings. To be Church, which is disciples of Jesus of Nazareth, is to protest these blasphemies and to call for a politics and an economy which is answerable to the God of Life.

– Tim Gorringe, Professor Emeritus, University of Exeter

“I have observed with admiration your inspiring actions calling attention to human induced climate change. I would be honoured to become one of your supporters. As a Catholic theologian I have been interested in human caused climate change’s damage to God’s earth, ‘our common home’ in Pope Francis’ inspiring words. As God’s representations in our common home humans are especially responsible for our earth’s flourishing. Our responsibilities include the climate and it’s cherishing by climate friendly action and resistance to its diminishment, especially by excessive use of fossil fuels, and what we may describe as earth stripping by deforestation and other destruction. Whether we live and serve in a care home with a window box, an urban house with a small garden, a farm or small holding, we each can and must do our part, alone and especially together. Widespread paving of front gardens, deforestation and government ministers’ resistance to sustainable  alternative energies concern all of us. These climate destroying actions demand defensive public witness such as Christian Climate Action’s efforts to inspire government ministers, including the Chancellor of the Exchequer and the Secretary of State for DECC to respond positively to your own words and deeds. Please continue and attract more members to the vitally important things you are doing.

God bless you

 – Dr Edward P. Echlin

“Climate change is the greatest challenge to life on earth today. ‘Christian Climate Action,’ are speaking truth to power, they also hope that everyone else is listening at the same time. This is God’s creation and we must learn to live gently within it, which means finding alternatives to fossil fuels.”

– Noel Moules, thinker, teacher, eco-activist and author of, ‘Fingerprints of Fire, Footprints of Peace’

“Thank God for you crazy Christians.”

– An Extinction Rebellion protester