Workshops and activities

Most of what we do in Christian Climate Action we do with others. Because of these it can be helpful to have workshops to structure Workshops are used in Christian Climate Action to

Workshops exploring what protest actions we want to take

Often referred to as ‘The Clothes-line exercise’: This workshop guides participants to interactively discuss a series of actions for their effectiveness and their non-violence. People are able to explore together what they think works and how their opinions differ to others.

What is important in carrying out this exercise is to re-iterate that there are no right or wrong answers and that it is okay that people have different views.

This exercise can be used as a way to practice disagreeing well. It can also be used to cluster people together who may be interested in carrying out the same types of actions.

Download (doc)

Workshop to help with emotionally debriefing after a protest

Protests can be wonderful – full of compassion and creativity. However, they can also be emotionally and physically draining. It is important that we take the time after a protest to debrief with those we have taken action with.

This can be done in person if you are a local group or it can be done via an online programme such as Zoom if meeting face to face is not possible.

This is a Emotional debriefing guide which can be used to assist with the process of emotionally debriefing following a protest.

Activity: Prayer flags

At the October Rebellion 2019, Lambeth Bridge was blocked and turned into a Faith Bridge – it was held by individuals of different faith communities. Churches made prayer flags ahead of this and they were strung up across the bridge. This was a way of expressing our emotions about climate change in prayerful way and allowing different communities to get creatively involved. Do feel free to do this activity yourself and bring them to the next big protest

Details and downloads here.