Bodies on the Line: Rev Sue’s Book on Christians, Civil Resistance and the Climate Crisis

Bodies on the Line: Christians, Civil Resistance and the Climate Crisis is a new book by Rev Sue Parfitt, a much loved and long-time member of Christian Climate Action

What is Bodies on the Line About?

Central London, October 2022: Sue Parfitt, an 80-year-old Anglican priest, is arrested for sitting in the road. 

It’s not her first time, nor the last; and she isn’t alone. Christians are waking up to the existential scale of the climate crisis. They are rediscovering the radical nature of Jesus’s teaching. They are asking what God needs them to do, and putting their bodies on the line to do it. 

Why are ordinary Christians breaking the law? For the incredulous and inspired alike, Sue Parfitt describes the experience, surveying our ecological, emotional, spiritual crisis with the blinkers off. You might want to be sitting down.

Bodies on the Line is available in paperback and ebook formats from all online bookstores, from August 24th, 2023. Pre-orders available at

Book Launch

For those of you who are attending Greenbelt this year, there will be a book launch, including an interview with Sue Parfitt, happening at the festival. It will be 8pm on Saturday 26th August, in the URC tent. We’d love for you to come along and enjoy some nibbles and drinks.

What are people saying about Bodies On The Line?

“Sue Parfitt’s courage, not only to speak the truth about climate and ecological crises we face, but literally to put her body on the line to highlight it­—whatever we think about the tactics—must draw from us deep respect and gratitude.”

 — Olivia Graham, Bishop of Reading

“In this captivating book—steeped in the wisdom of scripture, realism, practical guidance and adorned with personal narratives—Sue Parfitt’s words resonate with prophetic fervor.”

— Rev’d Jon Swales

“As Sue Parfitt eloquently demonstrates, there is a spirit in all of us that demands an urgent, compassionate and non-violent response to the climate crisis which now engulfs us.”

— Jonathan Porritt: Author, Capitalism As If the World Matters

“This is a must-read for all Christians! Sue Parfitt challenges us to the core with a depth of insight into the human condition, holy Scripture and the reality of our precarious future.”— Laurie Green — Bishop Emeritus; Author, Blessed Are the Poor? Urban Poverty and the Church